Sunday, October 19, 2008

WW3:NSW- Civilzation Spotlight Canada

Canada Bonuses-

  • Gain 3 gold and 2 food for every five wood they collect from a tree.
  • Can plant Trees.
  • Villagers have more hp and do more damage, but speak french.

Unique Units and Buildings-

Mounty- Fast Long Ranged Police officer.
Amour- 30% vs ranged; 15% vs melee
Damage- Ranged(r)- 15 (x5 vs outlaws); Melee(M)-12 (x5 vs outlaws)
Range- 20
Speed- 7 (6 snow, 5 ice)

Hockey Player- Fast on ice, slow everywhere else.
Hp- 220
Armour- 10% vs r; 58% vs m
Damage: M- 22 (x2 vs infantry, x4 vs calvary [atv/snowmobile/dogsled/horse{Includes mounty}/skis/])
Speed- 3.5 normal, 8 ice

Snowmobile- Calvary Type units. Very Fast on snow
Hp- 350
Armour- 15% vs r; 10% melee
Damage: R-20; M-10; Trample(when it hits a unit)-10 Area-2
Range- 12
Speed- 4 normal, 8 snow, 7.5 ice

Villager- Technicaly not special
Hp- 100
Damage: R-10; M-6
Range- 15
Speed- 4.5, 3.5 snow, 2.5 ice

Tree- Unique Building, Costs 50 wood and 20 food. Starts with 30 wood and gains 1 wood per second, up to 200 wood.

Wonder- Wonderful Weather Machine- Can change the weather of the map

(Non) Unique Units- Some of them are unique
Infantry- Solider, Assault Trooper, Hockey Player
Calvary- ATV, Snowmobile
Armour- Tank
Artillery- mortar, howitzer
Special Forces- Spy, Sniper
Police- Police, Mounty, Squad Car, Counter Espionage Agent
Civilian- Villager, trader, Dictator,
Ships- Fishing Ship, Ice Breaker, Battleship
Flying- Scout balloon, Assault Balloon

Summary- The Canadians can gain a lot from gathering wood. Also they do very well in Snowy/winter maps, though not as well in Warm Maps. They can easily fend of an early raid with their powerful villagers. They have trouble against armour though. Also they are lacking a machine gunner unit. Their hockey player can easily counter calvary. Great once they biuld the weather machine, because of something known as a snowmobile/hockey player rush.

WW3:NSW- Resources

The resources in World War 3: The New Swedish Way (WW3:NSW) are wealth, wood, metal, food, and energy. Wealth is used for markets, upgrades, and training units. Wood is used for buildings and some units. Food is used for units. Metal is for buildings. Energy is used for some buildings, improvements and units. Wealth is generated by mining gold caravans and selling things. Wood is from trees. Food is gathered from animals, bushes and farming. Metal is mined. Energy is produced from power plants.

ഖാനത്യന്‍സ് ഖാന്‍ ജര്ഗ്ര്ഗ് ഫുഡ്‌ ആണ്ട്‌ ഗൂല്ദ്‌ ഫ്രം ത്രിഇസ്. ബന്ഖ്‌സ്‌ ആരെ ഒന്ളി അവൈലബ്ലെ ടൂ ദ സ്വിസ്. மொங்கோலியான்ஸ் கேன் ச்றேஅடே ஷீப் அண்ட் ஹோர்செஸ் போர் பூத் பிரோம் திஎர் யூர்ட் பயுல்டிங். న్యూ స్వీడిష్ గెట్ గోల్డ్ వుడ్ అండ్ మెటల్ ఫ్రొం బిల్డింగ్స్ వెన్ థెయ్ దేస్త్రోయ్ తెం.

World War 3: The New Swedish Way

This is a real time strategy game being created by Floppy&Bros. It takes place in the year 2031, when the World is dominated by many empires. It has eighteen civilizations, divided into 6 regions. They are: The United States of America (North America), The holdout of Democracy in North America; Canada (NA), a dictatorship that profited from the Crisis of 2012; Mexico(NA), A Representative Autocracy meaning that each Region sends one person that will join a council with complete power; England (Western Europe), a industrial superpower ; France (WE), might have a bad military but its radio towers are great ; Spain (WE), The Great European dictatorship ; Germany (Germanic Union), the best military power ever to come out of Europe, not counting Russia and New Sweden ; New Sweden (GU),The leader of the Nordic States; Switzerland (GU), A little state that isn't neutral anymore; Russia (Eurasia), Rules most of the Former Warsaw Pact; Mongolia(E), Leads all of Central Asia, East Siberia, and Northern China; Restored Persia (E), Gets the Arabic Peninsula and SouthWestern Asia; China (Asia), Good plastic toys and coal; Japan (A), The last hope for technology after the disaster; India (A), The country leading in Population; The Confederacy of Polynesia (Oceania), Grand ruler of the South Pacific; Australia (O), H';day mate; and Indonesia (O), An extremely large island country. There is weather in this game, along with Random Maps, Multiple Campaings and m ultiplayer. More to come in later posts.