Sunday, October 19, 2008

WW3:NSW- Civilzation Spotlight Canada

Canada Bonuses-

  • Gain 3 gold and 2 food for every five wood they collect from a tree.
  • Can plant Trees.
  • Villagers have more hp and do more damage, but speak french.

Unique Units and Buildings-

Mounty- Fast Long Ranged Police officer.
Amour- 30% vs ranged; 15% vs melee
Damage- Ranged(r)- 15 (x5 vs outlaws); Melee(M)-12 (x5 vs outlaws)
Range- 20
Speed- 7 (6 snow, 5 ice)

Hockey Player- Fast on ice, slow everywhere else.
Hp- 220
Armour- 10% vs r; 58% vs m
Damage: M- 22 (x2 vs infantry, x4 vs calvary [atv/snowmobile/dogsled/horse{Includes mounty}/skis/])
Speed- 3.5 normal, 8 ice

Snowmobile- Calvary Type units. Very Fast on snow
Hp- 350
Armour- 15% vs r; 10% melee
Damage: R-20; M-10; Trample(when it hits a unit)-10 Area-2
Range- 12
Speed- 4 normal, 8 snow, 7.5 ice

Villager- Technicaly not special
Hp- 100
Damage: R-10; M-6
Range- 15
Speed- 4.5, 3.5 snow, 2.5 ice

Tree- Unique Building, Costs 50 wood and 20 food. Starts with 30 wood and gains 1 wood per second, up to 200 wood.

Wonder- Wonderful Weather Machine- Can change the weather of the map

(Non) Unique Units- Some of them are unique
Infantry- Solider, Assault Trooper, Hockey Player
Calvary- ATV, Snowmobile
Armour- Tank
Artillery- mortar, howitzer
Special Forces- Spy, Sniper
Police- Police, Mounty, Squad Car, Counter Espionage Agent
Civilian- Villager, trader, Dictator,
Ships- Fishing Ship, Ice Breaker, Battleship
Flying- Scout balloon, Assault Balloon

Summary- The Canadians can gain a lot from gathering wood. Also they do very well in Snowy/winter maps, though not as well in Warm Maps. They can easily fend of an early raid with their powerful villagers. They have trouble against armour though. Also they are lacking a machine gunner unit. Their hockey player can easily counter calvary. Great once they biuld the weather machine, because of something known as a snowmobile/hockey player rush.

WW3:NSW- Resources

The resources in World War 3: The New Swedish Way (WW3:NSW) are wealth, wood, metal, food, and energy. Wealth is used for markets, upgrades, and training units. Wood is used for buildings and some units. Food is used for units. Metal is for buildings. Energy is used for some buildings, improvements and units. Wealth is generated by mining gold caravans and selling things. Wood is from trees. Food is gathered from animals, bushes and farming. Metal is mined. Energy is produced from power plants.

ഖാനത്യന്‍സ് ഖാന്‍ ജര്ഗ്ര്ഗ് ഫുഡ്‌ ആണ്ട്‌ ഗൂല്ദ്‌ ഫ്രം ത്രിഇസ്. ബന്ഖ്‌സ്‌ ആരെ ഒന്ളി അവൈലബ്ലെ ടൂ ദ സ്വിസ്. மொங்கோலியான்ஸ் கேன் ச்றேஅடே ஷீப் அண்ட் ஹோர்செஸ் போர் பூத் பிரோம் திஎர் யூர்ட் பயுல்டிங். న్యూ స్వీడిష్ గెట్ గోల్డ్ వుడ్ అండ్ మెటల్ ఫ్రొం బిల్డింగ్స్ వెన్ థెయ్ దేస్త్రోయ్ తెం.

World War 3: The New Swedish Way

This is a real time strategy game being created by Floppy&Bros. It takes place in the year 2031, when the World is dominated by many empires. It has eighteen civilizations, divided into 6 regions. They are: The United States of America (North America), The holdout of Democracy in North America; Canada (NA), a dictatorship that profited from the Crisis of 2012; Mexico(NA), A Representative Autocracy meaning that each Region sends one person that will join a council with complete power; England (Western Europe), a industrial superpower ; France (WE), might have a bad military but its radio towers are great ; Spain (WE), The Great European dictatorship ; Germany (Germanic Union), the best military power ever to come out of Europe, not counting Russia and New Sweden ; New Sweden (GU),The leader of the Nordic States; Switzerland (GU), A little state that isn't neutral anymore; Russia (Eurasia), Rules most of the Former Warsaw Pact; Mongolia(E), Leads all of Central Asia, East Siberia, and Northern China; Restored Persia (E), Gets the Arabic Peninsula and SouthWestern Asia; China (Asia), Good plastic toys and coal; Japan (A), The last hope for technology after the disaster; India (A), The country leading in Population; The Confederacy of Polynesia (Oceania), Grand ruler of the South Pacific; Australia (O), H';day mate; and Indonesia (O), An extremely large island country. There is weather in this game, along with Random Maps, Multiple Campaings and m ultiplayer. More to come in later posts.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


The Paladin is a military position in charge of the Grand Order of the Silver Sword and the Glorious Youth Association. There is only one at a time and a new one is chosen by the emperor only after the previous one died, retired, was gravely injured, kicked out, disgraced horrendously etc.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Political Terrorism

Political terrorism is Terrorism for political gain. This includes assassinating/ordering the assassination of government members, attacking or threatening to attack supporters of the government, vandalizing/threatning to government property, rebelling against the government etc. If you do one of these things your punishment will be 2.75 times more severe than it would be if it wasn't terrorism. That means that if you assassinate someone you will be punished 2.75 times more severley than if you murdered them for a non-political reason. If you are ordered by someone else to assassinate someone than you will be punished by the 2.75 rule times the .73 rule (which is used when someone orders you to do something against the law and it is always in effect unless otherwise noted. This is for you Mr Doesn't Understand the Encyclopedia is the Law). That means your punishement will be 2.0075 times more severe than if it wasn't politcial terrorism. If you order someone to assassinate someone else than you will be punished by the 2.75 rule times the 1.27 rule(which is for when you order someone to do your dirty work). That means your punishment as the orderer will be 3.4925 times more severe than if you hadn't commited political terrorism. If you knowingly, willingly, and meaningly threaten to assassinate someone than you will be punished by the 2.75 rule times the .95 rule (for threatning) , unless of course you fulfill your threat in whoch you are punished just by the 2.75 rule. That means your punishment will be 2.6125 more severe than if you hadn't commited politcial terrorism. So yopu get the idea that punishment stack on correct.


Terrorism is an act of violence or terror done for a political or ideological goal. The types of terrorism recognized by New Sweden are Political, Religious, Environmental, and other Discriminatory. A more detailed description of each type is found on their respective pages. New Sweden punishes acts of terrorism with a scale between 1:1.2 - 1:2.75. This means that depending on the type of terrorism and the act the terrorist will be punished with a punishment at least 1.2 times worse than if it wasn't an act of terrorism.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Den kritisk

Den kritisk, or the censors, are a group of five people in charge of the New Swedish Board of Censorship. The head of the council is the emperor and the other four members are chosen by him for one year terms. As the heads of the Board of Censoship all applications and recconmendations made by the veiwers must be paseed through at least 2 of the five Censors. This way all things can be rated fairly. They also make sure the police respect the rights of free speach and the rights of press given to the people in the Grand Law.

The New Swedish Board of Censorship

The New Swedish Board of Censorship is a department of the government in charge of keeping the media under control and the peoples morals intact,. Powers include::
  • co-rating of movies and other media (music, books, t.v. shows, etc) with the The New Swedish Board for Tourism and Entertainment.
  • Banning of obscene, vulgar, explicit, offensive, suggestive or otherwise illegal materials.
  • Careful reviewing of all sources of media.
  • Creating laws that outline the rights of citzens in the areas of free speach, assembely, press, and other realted rights.
  • Other things realted to the above topics.

The New Swedish Board for Tourism and Entertainment

The New Swedish Board for Tourism and Entertainment is a department of the government in charge of entertainment. Their responsibilities include:
  • Making and holding state-sponsored festivals.
  • Co-rating movies and other entertainment sources with the New Swedish Board of Censorship.
  • Creating advertisements to attract tourists.
  • Making sure tourists enjoy their stay.
  • Overall keeping the people happy.
  • And more things related to the aforementioned topics.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Name: Vladstockengrad
Land Area: 153.56 square miles
Demonyon: Vladstocks
Currency: Rubles
Government: oligarchic Dictatorship
National Symbols: See Vladstockengrad symbols
Allies: New Sweden, Western Borkanstinia, Pharoah, Wrakstine, Aussi
Official languages: Russian, English

Friday, February 29, 2008

Western Borkanstinia

Name: Western Borkanstinia
Population: No census has been taken
Land Area:Unstable, includes parts of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan
Demonym: Western Borkanstinian
Currency: Not Yet Established, mainly barter system
Government: Authoritarian Empire
National Symbols: See Western Borkanstinian Symbols
Allies: New Sweden, Vladstockengrad, Wrakstine,
Official Languages: Uzbek, Turkman, Tajik, Dari,

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Name: Kupkake
Population: 10,476
Land Area: 124.81 square miles
Demonym: Kupkaker
Currency: Real
Government: Grand Dudey (a democratic Grand Duchy)
National Symbols: See Kupkake Symbols
Allies: New Sweden, Brazil, Aussi
Official Languages: Portuguese, English

Monday, February 18, 2008

New Sweden Allies

New Sweden has a few allies. They are mainly countries that are not widely recognized. New Swedens major allies are Kupkake, Wester Borkanstinia, Vladstokengrad, Wrakstine, Aussi, and Pharaoh. All of these countries are unreconized. For more information look at thier fact pages.

Fact Sheet New Sweden

Name: New Sweden Ny Sverige
Land Area: 21,678 square kilometers
Demonym: New Swedish
Currency: Swedish Krona
Government: Emperor-Mythos Wyrm
National Symbols: See New Sweden Symbols
Allies: See New Sweden Allies
Official Languages: Swedish, English, and Welsh

Mount Wyrm

Mount Wyrm is the 8,000 ft artificial volcano located in New Sweden. First open to the public on February 15, 2008 it has a free tee-shirt and swedish meatballs promotional going on until
March 31, 2008. It consists of two parts, the body and the crater (Läger av Eld). The body is 8,000 ft high and varies in steepness. On the top, looking over the crater is the visitor's center. The Läger av Eld is 200 ft deep and in bowl (or upside-down dome) shape. On its sides there are many tunnels leading to the structure, in case it needs repairs. The crater is ussaly empty bt can be filld with fake lava. On February 18, 2008 the United States atempted to attack the Läger av Eld. They failed, thanks to the Elite Guard and the hidden Anti-Aircraft System.


The gun-sword is a weapon used by the Elit Bevakning. It contains a high-powered rifle with a laser pionter for a sight, a gernade launcher and a sword. The back end of it is designed to be used as a club. The sword is on a special rail that makes it extend when a special button is pressed. When the trigger is pulled the bullet in the barrel is shot and the magazine sends a bullet flying up into the barrel through a one -way hole.
Rough Drawing of Gun Sword
Key: Green=club Gray= Sword Dark Blue=rail sword sits on light blue=rifled barrel black=gernade launcher purple=magazine not seen= trigger (in front of magazine), sight (under gernade launcher)

The Elit Bevakning

The Elit Bevakning, or Elite Guard, are a part of the New Swedish special forces. Their uniform is thick, bulletproof armour that is made to look like it is fur. They carry a high powered gun-sword. The first major battle containing the elite guard was the American attack on the Läger av Eld. Of the 15 Elit Bevakning that fought none were killed.

Välkomnande till Encyclopedia Ny Sverige (Welcome to the Encyclopedia New Sweden)

This is encyclopedia is a guide to New Sweden. It will be divided up into major sections and minor sections. The major section of an article will be listed in the labels. For example military, economy, history, military unit, weapon etc. The minor section will be in the title. For example the Thunder Stormer, or the Läger av Eld. Articles will be updated. For example if I need to add something to the article on the Läger av Eld then I will directly edit it, Not make a completely knew post so don't just read a post once. I also will occasionally write a post that tells of all updates since the last post. This includes new posts and updates. This Encyclopedia will also include information on some of our allies. Also do not comment on this blog. Comment on The Wyrm News. Thanks for reading.
-Your Kind Emperor,
Mythos Wyrm